1. Definition: A craft that demands accuracy, fairness, and the pursuit of the public interest.
Title:Journalism Ethics: A Philosophical Approach
Published: 1987
Author: Christopher Meyers.
2.Definition:A communication discipline focused on the dissemination of information through various media forms.
Title: Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future
Author:Stanley J. Baran and Dennis K. Davis.
3.Definition: The art of storytelling with an obligation to truth, fairness, and public service.
Title:The News Media: What Everyone Needs to Know
Published: 2016)
Author: C.W. Anderson and Leonard Downie Jr.
4.Definition:The chronicling of events that shape society, delivered through newspapers, radio, television, and online platforms.
Title:Journalism Ethics: A Casebook of Professional Conduct for News Media
Published: 2008
Author: Fred Brown.
5.Definition;A craft that demands accuracy, fairness, and the pursuit of the public interest.
Title: Journalism Ethics: A Philosophical Approach
Author:Christopher Meyers.
6.Definition:A noble pursuit aimed at uncovering and reporting the truth to empower the public.
Title: Journalism Ethics for the Global Citizen
Author:Courtney C. Radsch.
7. Definition:A dynamic process of storytelling that informs, educates, and engages the public.
Title:The Future of Journalism
Author:Bob Franklin and David Murphy.
8.Definition:Journalism is the art of collecting and presenting news truthfully and impartially.
Title: The Elements of Journalism
Published: 2001
Author: Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel.
9.Definition:It’s the systematic gathering, writing, and editing of news for presentation to an audience.
Title:The Craft of Journalism
Author:G. Stuart Adam and Roy Peter Clark.
10.Definition:A dynamic process of inquiry and storytelling that contributes to an informed citizenry.
Title:The Elements of News Writing
Author:James W. Kershner.
11. Definition:An essential component of democracy, providing citizens with the information needed to make informed decisions.
Title:Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism
Author:James T. Hamilton.
12.A public service committed to fostering transparency and accountability.
Title:The New Ethics of Journalism: Principles for the 21st Century
Author:Kelly McBride and Tom Rosenstiel.
13.Definition:A multifaceted profession that serves as a bridge between events and the public.
Title:Journalism Ethics and Regulation
Author:Chris Frost.
14.Definition:The practice of gathering, verifying, and disseminating information to the public.
Title:Journalism Ethics Goes to the Movies
Published: 2007
Author:Howard Good.
15.Definition:A profession that requires constant adaptation to technological and societal changes.
Title: Journalism Ethics in the Digital Age: A Model for the Next Generation
Published: 2013
Author: Amy Reynolds and David Lankes.
16.Definition: The dynamic process of storytelling that shapes public opinion and understanding.
Title: The Power of News
Published: 1995
Author: Michael Schudson.
17.Definition:A commitment to truth and accuracy, serving as a mirror reflecting society’s complexities.
Title: Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect
Author: Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel.
18.Definition: The disciplined practice of observing, analyzing, and reporting on the world with fairness and integrity.
Title:Journalism Ethics: Arguments and Cases for the Twenty-First Century
Published: 1997
Author: John Merrill.
19.Definition: Journalism is the process of gathering, organizing, and presenting information to a mass audience.
Title: MediaWriting: Print, Broadcast, and public relations
Published: 2018
Author: Richard Whitaker
20.Definition:Journalism involves the timely dissemination of information through various media channels.
Title:Journalism Ethics at the Crossroads: Democracy and the News Crisis
Published: 2013
Author: Stephen J. A. Ward.
Meyers, C. (Ed.). (2010). Journalism ethics: A philosophical approach. OUP USA.
Baran, S. J., Davis, D. K., & Striby, K. (2012). Mass communication theory: Foundations, ferment, and future.
Anderson, C. W., Downie, L., & Schudson, M. (2016). The news media: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press.
Brown, F. (Ed.). (2011). Journalism ethics: A casebook of professional conduct for news media. Marion Street Press.
Meyers, C. (Ed.). (2010). Journalism ethics: A philosophical approach. OUP USA.
Radsch, C. C., & Radsch, C. C. (2016). We the people: Citizen journalism in the era of social media. Cyberactivism and Citizen Journalism in Egypt: Digital Dissidence and Political Change, 127-184.
Franklin, B. (2012). The future of journalism: Developments and debates. Journalism studies, 13(5-6), 663-681.
Kovach, B., & Rosenstiel, T. (2021). The elements of journalism, revised and updated 4th edition: What newspeople should know and the public should expect. Crown.
de Gannes, G. C., Ghoreishi, M., Pope, J., Russell, A., Bell, D., Adams, S., ... & Dutz, J. P. (2007). Psoriasis and pustular dermatitis triggered by TNF-α inhibitors in patients with rheumatologic conditions. Archives of Dermatology, 143(2), 223-231.
Kershner, J. W. (2005). The elements of news writing. Boston, MA: Pearson Allyn and Bacon.
Hamilton, J. T. (2016). Democracy’s detectives: The economics of investigative journalism. Harvard University Press.
McBride, K., & Rosenstiel, T. (Eds.). (2013). The new ethics of journalism: Principles for the 21st century. CQ Press.
Frost, C. (2015). Journalism ethics and regulation. Routledge.
Good, H. (Ed.). (2008). Journalism ethics goes to the movies. Rowman & Littlefield.
Elliott, D., & Spence, E. H. (2017). Ethics for a digital era. John Wiley & Sons.
Schudson, M. (1995). The power of news. Harvard University Press.
Peter, A., & Ekeanyanwu, N. (2010). Book Review: The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel. Covenant Journal of Communication (CJOC) Vol, 1.
Peter, A., & Ekeanyanwu, N. (2010). Book Review: The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel. Covenant Journal of Communication (CJOC) Vol, 1.
Whitaker, W. R., & Smith, R. D. (2009). Mediawriting: print, broadcast, and public relations. Routledge.
Wilkins, L., & Christians, C. G. (Eds.). (2009). The handbook of mass media ethics. New York: Routledge.
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